Friday, February 3, 2012

Evil, Un-Educational Computer Games?

C has been spending a lot of time playing Clone Wars Adventures.  "Experts" say too much computer time is bad bad bad.  I have been hearing the same messages as every other parent since C (my oldest) was in the womb.  I am just as wired as most parents to feel almost-compulsive guilt about, not merely "un-educational" computer game play during "school time", but LOTS of it.  When this happens I try to sit with the guilt, fallacies and fears until I get through it and to a place where I have a new script.  For example:

"What a horrible mom I am for allowing him to waste his time on something that has no educational value."

eventually turns into this:

"This is so cool that he can spend time playing a game he loves when he feels compelled to while learning things like: larger number concepts (counting thousands and tens of thousands of Republic Credits), estimating and rounding up and down in the hundreds and thousands (in order to "buy" gadgets and gizmos he wants), keeping track of his "spending" and making careful choices about how to spend his Republic Credits, losing a strategic battle game several times before finally winning with the perfect set-up (determined through trial and error and many losses), exercising extreme patience in that battle that lasted 3 hours before he was finally victorious!"

I love my job.

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