How We Learn

Human beings (especially children) have an innate drive and desire to learn. We don't need to be coaxed and coerced unless we are being taught something that doesn't interest us or have relevance for us.  Don and I aim for an environment that is always mindful of these simple notions.

In our home learning is desire-driven and learner-led, working under the assumption that pursuing interests is joyful, and that joyful learning is meaningful and memorable. Some might call this Unschooling (the definition of which I will leave for you to flesh out on your own). However, true unschoolers don't generally "set out" to teach specific things (say, literacy and math) unless the learner's interests cause them to naturally gravitate to those subjects. And, well, we do teach literacy and math, because we also feel a strong affinity for a Classical education (find a really nice definition/explanation at We're just trying to teach those things without giving them weight that turns the kids off. For example, the only learning that is guaranteed to take place every day at Wildflowers is that which results from activities the kids choose. What others might consider "literacy & math curriculum" is inserted in the cracks and crevices between what we feel to be the more important bursts of passionate learning about a vast array of other topics.  And very often, when left to discover and explore on their own, the children receive the foundations of a Classical education in delightful and applicable ways - free of lesson plans, curricula and worksheets!

A learner-led environment also doesn't mean that all three of our children will always be exclusive home-based learners. If school-based learning appeals to them and meets their needs, that is where they will gravitate and blossom. We are grateful that school-based learning is an option for everyone (including our kids!)  That said, we are aware of the limitations of institutionalized education (as an construct) and we choose to not cave into fears our culture may have for our kids should any or all of them not choose that path.  No single learning environment or path is perfect for everyone.  However, each of us has an environment and path that is "more right" than any other.

So our approach is mostly desire-driven, learner-led, pretty eclectic and constantly evolving. We're figuring things out as we go, trying to be led by trust (not fear) and having a lot of fun!