Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Weeks of 5/1/12 & 5/7/12

  1. Board Games – Monopoly Jr., Clue
  2. Jigsaw puzzles
  3. Math – fact family practice where the highest number is 10
  4. American Sign Language (ASL), Lesson 2 (finished) and Lesson 3 at Lifeprint
  5. Solo reading – Bounty Hunter: Boba Fett (Star Wars: The Clone Wars chapter book)
  6. Read Together – Predators (Tangerine Press) & Animals Exposed!  The Truth About Animal Intelligence (Tangerine Press)
  7. Baking
  8. Spelling review - First Grade, Lists 9-25 from Super Teacher Worksheets
  9. Android App – Draw Something (drawing, phonetics & spelling!)
  10. Grade 2 Evan Moor Daily Math Workbook

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Weeks of 4/17/12 & 4/24/12

  1. American Sign Language (ASL), Lesson 2 at 
  2. Lifeprint 
  3. Addition (More Complex, 2 Digit & 2 Plus 3 Digit  with carrying - many versions Dad's Worksheets)
  4. Subtraction (1 & 2 Digit Subtraction, No Borrowing - many versions)
  5. Similies
  6. Poetry writing (two pieces: The Airplane Ride and Legos)
  7. Read together – Porpoises (non-fiction) & Astronomy (non-fiction)
  8. Movie – The Making of Frozen Planet
  9. Board Games – Chess, Uno
  10. Android App/Game – Cut The Rope
  11. Baking
  12. Lego kit building (three Star Wars kits)
  13. Very large and very small number concepts (as pertain to astronomy and space)
  14. Rounding to the nearest 10 and the nearest 100 at the grocery store
  15. Movie - Walt Disney Legacy Collection: True Life Adventures Volume 3: Creatures of the Wild 
  16. PS3 Game - Lego Harry Potter Years 5-7

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Week of 4/10/12

  1. American Sign Language (ASL), Lesson 2 at Lifeprint 
  2. Subtraction (Spaceship Subtraction K, Version 1 from Dad's Worksheets)
  3. Subtraction (Two Digit Subtraction, No Borrowing, Version 1)
  4. Spelling activities (First Grade, Lists 25 from Super Teacher Worksheets)
  5. Read together – Growing Up Protected (Tangerine Press)
  6. Solo reading – Jigsaw Jones, The Case of the Mummy Mystery & Jigsaw Jones, The Case of the Glow- In-the-Dark Ghost
  7. Movie – The Making of Frozen Planet
  8. Board Games – Scrabble, Chess, Uno, Clue
  9. Android App/Game – Cut The Rope

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Week of 4/3/12

Spring Break!

Week of 3/26/12

  1. Creation of original Star Wars comics (see this post for details)
  2. American Sign Language (ASL), Lesson 1 at Lifeprint - we're done with Lesson 1
  3. Addition (Spaceship Addition, Version N from Dad's Worksheets)
  4. Spelling activities (First Grade, Lists 24 from Super Teacher Worksheets)
  5. Subtraction (Spaceship Subtraction, Versions I & J from Dad's Worksheets)

Friday, March 23, 2012

Kitchen Learning. A List.

Measuring.  Estimating.  Fractions.
Reactions.  Thickening.  Thinning.  Effects of temperature.
Kitchen vocabulary.  Rolling boil.  Simmer.  Saute.  Roast.  Puree...
Nutrition.  Balanced meals.
Multi-tasking.  Dice onions while rice simmers.  Clean spinach while onions sautee.
Kitchen management.  Onions are gone.  Put onions on grocery list.
Improvisation & creativity.  No pasta.  How about rice?
Pride in creating something.
Sense of accomplishment.
Joy in creating something together.

Curriculum. Lesson Plans. Worksheets... Just.  Can't.  Beat.  This.

Week of 3/19/12

  1. American Sign Language (ASL), Lesson 1 at Lifeprint - we're almost done with Lesson 1! 
  2. Cooking with mom (see this post for quick thoughts on "Kitchen Learning")
  3. Genetics game using Punnet Square - Crazy Plant Shop at Filament Games
  4. Creation of original Star Wars comic (see this post for details)
  5. Board games